Come on. Admit it. Without the help of social media, you would have never caught on to the "secret message" behind Beyoncé's Super Bowl performance. Whether you enjoyed the show or not, did you really make the connection to Black Lives Matter or the Black Panther movement?
The sad part is that people can not make connections without social media doing it for them. This is the new America. Common Core at it's best. Just trust social media to figure things our for you. Who needs facts anymore?
What makes matters worse is Beyoncé's message was powerful and most of America missed it. Watch the performance on the link I provided. (You may have to go to youtube to watch) Conservatives deny what is right in front of them. Does the half time show speak to the disparity of rich and poor among minorities? Watch the video again. Minorities are not in attendance to the Super Bowl Does this not seem odd, in a league, that the greater percentage of athletes are minorities?
Most Americans lacked any knowledge that weeks before the Super Bowl, San Francisco forcibly moved the homeless populations near the event to prevent anyone from noticing the poverty that exists prior to the Super Bowl coming to the Bay area. Was there any outrage over these actions? No, because social media did not tell us to get upset.
The bottom line is Black Lives Do Matter. And when they do not, movements like the Black Panther movement from a generation ago serve as a reminder that when injustices go unheard, violence is the result of our lack of empathy to understand the plight of all Americans.
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