If elected, Donald Trump will get his wall and Mexico will pay for it. All the posts from Mexico's politicians saying that they will not pay a penny for building that wall are incorrect. They will pay for that wall and here are some compelling reasons why Trump is correct.
The cost for building a wall is 10 billion. Sounds like a lot of pesos. However, Mexico has a sixty billion dollar trade surplus with the United States annually. That amounts to 600 billion in 10 years. That's a whole lot more pesos. All Donald Trump has to do is convince Congress to enact a trade tariff on our border to pay for building the wall. With all of the Mexican and American manufactures that benefit from the lack of tariffs and cheap labor, they will threaten to move elsewhere. The companies in Mexico will insist the Mexican government finance the wall. Even if Mexico balks, tariffs will pay for the wall from goods coming back into our country. This my friends, is known as the "Art of the Deal."
Whether Trump wins or loses, there might be some wisdom in his logic. There are many global inequalities based on deal making by a small group of individuals and corporations that are much worse than Trump. If we put half of our energy learning about the corrupt deals that already exist, instead or worrying about Donald Trump, our world would be a much better place to live in.
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