Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Class Warfare?

Check out this fascinating statistic:

What would you do with an extra $18,000 in your pocket?

That's the amount of extra cash each and every Burger King employee in America would have received last year if Goldman Sachs (one of the fast-food chain's largest owners) had shared its bailout billions with rank-and-file workers. Instead, Goldman Sachs squandered 6.5 billion of our taxpayer dollars on bonuses for their financial staff. These were some of the highest bonuses on Wall Street! Meanwhile, Burger King workers earn wages averaging just $14,000 a year -- well below the federal poverty line for a family of three.

Class Warfare is closer than we think.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Media Watch - Stimulus Package

Most people have ignored the injustices of the bailout of corporations. The stimulus package is a tool for the upper middle class more than the poor. For this reason, I am posting links to media articles that fail to capture the attention of main stream media outlets. Please check out the Media Watch page for current and future articles regarding our nation's quest for equity and fairness, or lack of.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

The ebbs and flow of Change

President Obama made some courageous decisions over the past few weeks. However, he is afraid to tackle class warfare issues. He caved in on the bailout. See the link below for details. http://www.nytimes.com/2009/02/10/business/economy/10bailout.html?_r=2&hp
Similar to France in the late 1700's, this administration needs to come to terms with the fact that one percent of the population has deeply impacted the living conditions of the other 99%. The inequities of the past 8 years cost us dearly. It is time for our government to help those they hurt by past policies.

A Child's Reality of What is Important

A Child's Reality of What is Important

The YouTube Experiment
