Saturday, October 29, 2016

5 Changes For The Election Of The POTUS That Need To Happen Now.

I think people tired of the election of the POTUS 6 months ago. What a mess. An embarrassment to our principles. The election is too long, corrupt, and lacking any process that makes sense. When in an abyss such as we have experienced, we fail to see he simple solutions for the next election cycle. Here are a few suggestions.

1. Shorten the vetting process: Do we really need 2-3 years of vetting. In some cases, it starts after the election ends. The new criteria is to shorten the election process to 10 months as originally intended.

2. Publicly funded elections: As crazy as this might sound, the time has come to publicly fund elections. Politicians are bought and sold by fundraising. It would be great to free our leaders from the chains of donations to their campaigns.

3. 1 month ban on vetting by the media: Too often, as we have see, the media holds on to stories for years for the benefit of the other candidate. To clear up this mess, new stories have to be limited to platforms during the final month or months of the election process.

4. Media Bias: Contributions by media personalities to the candidates is dangerous. The same for the corporations they work for can be said. Banning donations can free the media from scrutiny, and help the American people trust our news organizations.

5: PAC ads: Negative advertising needs to be replaced by platform discussions. The political action committees know how to tweak public opinions with distortions. This is not good for our democracy.

There are many more changes that are needed. We need to start somewhere, and we love things to have a number to them. Why not 5 changes to start? The impact would be immediate and return the election process to the people.

Sunday, October 16, 2016

If We Can Learn Anything From This Election - We Need To Reform The Election Process

2016 is a blessing and a curse when it comes to our election process. The office of the POTUS is mired in money and media bias. Without a doubt, this is the worse example of voter frustration and disgust. Many asking, how did we get here?

The truth is the office of the POTUS is controlled by a minority of power brokers that spend billions on voter manipulation. We are deluged with negative advertisements, and attacks on personal lives. Very little substance is discussed during the 2 year process to elect a president.

The process of reform can be a simple one. With our technology, we could create a system of algorithms similar to Netflix that allow voters to examine the platforms of candidates. Take away the money and advertising and have the candidates only discuss the issues directly to the voters.

Next, it may be time to reexamine political parties. What would happen if we allowed candidates to run without the confusions of political parties. Political parties have exhausted their influence on elections. Without them, we could start the next big reform for democracy. One that has a direct vote by the people, without political parties to manipulate and confuse matters.

There are many new ideas waiting to be introduced. Hopefully, the millennials will pave the path to reform. Our democracy is counting on them.

Sunday, October 2, 2016

How Trump Proved Sander's Point About Income Inequality

Those who doubt the theory of income inequality were hopefully listening in the last debate. Donald Trump proudly told the audience, "I have not paid taxes in 15 years." He in fact implied how stupid we are to think the rich would ever pay taxes to the Federal Government.

The progressive tax system is far from progressive. For years, it has transitioned to a tax system that benefits the rich. The middle class pays the bulk of taxes in our country based on the percentage of income versus taxes paid to the federal and state governments. The same can be said for fee for services charged by all branches of government.

Bernie Sanders led the charge this year regarding income inequality. The system of collecting revenue simply does not work as a progressive system. At this point, we would be better off with a flat tax. It would be better to collect 14% of taxes versus a system in which the rich do not pay at all.

The barrier to passing such a system of fairness is ironically, those who pay the most in taxes. There is a disconnect regarding their perception that the rich pay their fair share in taxes. Clearly, after watching the debate, nothing can be further from the truth.

A Child's Reality of What is Important

A Child's Reality of What is Important

The YouTube Experiment
