Monday, January 19, 2009

Reflections regarding Martin Luther King

In order to understand Martin Luther King, we need to think about his message. We get too comfortable thinking that the dream has been realized. It has not. Even with an African American President, we should not be comfortable. Too many groups are not fully involved in the process of democracy. The prison population reflects the injustices of our times. And with our economy, will the new President work towards social justice? Or will he work for economic justice.
Time will tell. If the emphasis is bailing out corporations instead of people, the dream will not be realized. If the emphasis is on spending billions to kill a terrorist, the dream is not realized. These are tough times. I see poverty increase daily in school. People are making difficult choices regarding paying this bill or gettng groceries this week.
The time for social justice is now. To demand it like Dr. King did does not mean a person is negative. It is positive to be critical, and demand change. A change that lifts people out of poverty. A change that is democratic, inclusive, and equitable. This is what Dr. King would want. This is what I want for my children.

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