Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Hey Michael Moore - Remember President Bush and Katrina?

Call me crazy, but the Democrats have lived on a platform for years of President Bush's handling of Katrina. He was late arriving on scene, and everyone criticized him for not responding. Many allegation included race as a motivation. Some like Michael Moore profited from Katrina by documenting the events in his movies.

Fast forward to 2016. Flooding has led to a massive evacuation in Louisiana and President Obama is on vacation. Not a hint of his presence. Why is there no outrage similar to President Bush?  The problem in political loyalty. The Democrats are silent, and should be ashamed of themselves. People in crisis often do not have a name, and a political party to lean on, they just need help.

This is a great example of the polarization of the United States due to the media. Michael Moore and the likes of him on both sides of a position lean toward parties and platforms when they should bring equity to the discussion of human rights.

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