Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Why Are There Only 3 Peace Pagodas In The United States?

Civilization is not to kill human beings, Not to destroy things, not to make war;  Civilization is to hold mutual affection And to respect one another.”
–Most Venerable Nichidatsu Fujii

Peace Pagodas have a significant place in the development of humanity. Peace Pagodas are a symbol of non-violence dating as far back as 2000 years ago. During that time, the Emperor Ashoka of India, a notoriously bloody warlord, was approaching after a particularly wretched battle by a Buddhist Monk who admonished him for his wrong doings. From that time on, Ashoka became a became a fervent believer in Buddhism. After his conversion, he gave up his warlike ways and began erecting Peace Pagodas.

There are 80 in the world today. Of which 3 are in the United States, a country that has a military budget that is the equivalent of the next 10 nations combined. In an ironic twist, Peace Pagodas are lacking in a nation that is best prepared for the destruction of the planet earth if need be. For over 100 years, the United States has been the most militaristic nation in the world. Yes, we have fought battles that have led to peace, however we have contributed to wars around the world for generations that were covert and unnecessary.

New York State and Massachusetts have 2 of the 3 Peace Pagodas. One is under construction in Tennessee. Peaceful and a place for reflection, they offer children and adults the opportunity to reflect upon civilizations and how we choose to live our lives today. We have a choice to be violent or non violent as a society. We can destroy or build things based on empathy, and compassion. It is a choice, if we seek out the truth. This blog is dedicated to exploring what can be, as much as we need to understand what is.........

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